Finding Document Templates for Entities in Dynamics 365 – Part 2: Publishing your Control
In our previous post, we discussed a Dynamics 365 client had a need to add a new button to the to an entity’s ribbon that allowed for the client to:
- open a popup window,
- select a document template designated for the entity,
- generate a document based on the template, and
- add it to the the entity’s annotations
It was focused on creating the page to host the functionality, querying Dynamics CRM’s Web API for the document templates available for the record type, and displaying the options.
In this post, we will be reviewing how to upload the files to the solution we created and to create a button to display on your record.
All the files for this project can be found here.
Publishing the Document Templates Control
The process for publishing your newly created web resources in Dynamics CRM is pretty straightforward. While we will be working with Dynamics CRM v9, the process is similar in v8.
1. Select from the top menu Settings → Customizations
2. Select Customize the System
3. In the resulting popup, on the left-hand side, select Web Resources, then click the New button.
4. Give the web resource the settings like below:
5. For the Upload File section, select the SelectDocumentTemplate.html we made in the previous post.
6. Click Save and then Publish.
7. Do the same for SelectDocumentTemplate.js with the settings below.
8. Do the same for SelectDocumentTemplate.css with the settings below.
With that, all of our custom files have been published to our Dynamics CRM instance. In the next post, we will cover adding the custom button to an entity form so that we can use the newly added control.
Dynamics Controls for your Organization
Code Vanguard offers a collection of premium Dynamics 365 controls for your organization. Built on top of the Microsoft’s Fabric UI and Google’s Material UI, Dynamics UI is a set of responsive UI elements for Dynamics that looks good on any device! Check out our Dynamics UI page to learn more.
Check out some of our other posts about Dynamics CRM!